Authorised Stockist Of Qualigens Range Of Product, Fisher Scientific Part Of Thermo Fisher Scientific, Dlrs.In Laboratory & Industrial Chemicals, Surgical Items, Test Sieves, Scientific Instruments & Equipments, thermome...More
Laboratory Equipments, Imported Laboratory Instruments, Humidity Chamber, BOD Incubator, Fume Chamber, Water Bath, Low Temperature Bath, Autoclave, Environmental Test Chamber, Oil Bath, Hot Air Oven, Humidity Control Ove...More
Mfg. Of AC Motors, DC Motors, AC Geared Motors, Electric Motors, Laboratory Equipments, Conveyor Motors, Scientific Instruments, Laboratory Stirrers, Magnetic Stirrers, Dental Equipments, AC Single Phase & 3 Phase Electr...More
Lab Instruments, Lab Equipments, Laboratory Instruments, BOD Incubators, Stability Chamber, Incubator, Auto Claves, Hot Air Oven, Laboratory Oven, Vacuum Oven, Deep Freezer, Tempeature Controllers ...More
Distributors of Process Control Instruments, Counters, Stroke Counters, Meter Counters, Rodometers, Petrol pump Totalisers, Hank Indicators, Currency Counting Machines, Impulse Counters, Timers, Digital Indicators, Elect...More
Manufacturer of Laboratory Thermometer, Laboratory Equipment, Industrial Oven and Equipment, Laboratory Equipment, Bacteriological Incubators, Laminar Air Flow, Water Bath, Hot Plate, Magnetic Stirrers, Laboratory Hot Ai...More
Leading exporters, suppliers and traders of Electrical Equipments, Material Handling Accessories, Testing Measuring Instrument, Scientific Instrument, Metallurgical Lab Equipment. ...More
Leading importer, distributor, exporter, stockist of scientific & laboratory testing instruments mainly used for Quality Control (QC), R&D of Paint & Powder Coating, Corrosion, Surface, Printing Ink, Packaging, Plastic, ...More