Multi Fuel Steam Boilers Manufacturers Suppliers Exporters


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Steam Boilers, Mini Boilers, Baby Boilers, Thermic Fluid Heaters, Hot Air Generators, Hot Water Generators, Oil Burners, Gas Burners, Radiators, Fuel Oil Filters, India Neotech Energy Systems Pvt. Ltd is a flagship company of the neotech Group of companies. Neotech is an engineering company specifically specialising in industrial heating & drying systems. Its present range of product are : 1. BOILERS a) Steam Boilers Highly efficient and fully automatic Oil / Gas fired 'Revotech' Steam Boilers in Non-IBR class are manufactured in capacity 100 Kgs/hr to 1000 Kgs/hr. Unique Reverse Flame of four pass unit with economiser and optimiser ensures 88% efficiency(NCV) and is designed for foil safe and easy operations. b) Mini Boilers Neotech also offers Mini steam Generators, Model 'MINIMATIC' in Diesel Fired or Gas Fired options. These boilers are extremely efficient & fully automatic. They incorporate World Class Imported "RIELLO" Burners & are very compact. They are offered in 50 kgs/hr & 100kgs/hr design. 2. THERMIC FLUID HEATERS a) Oil / Gas fired Neotherm Thermic Fluid Heaters Highly efficient and fully automatic Oil / Gas fired Neotech's Thermic Fluid Heaters are manufactured in capacity from 1 lakh k.cals/hr. to 10 lakh k.cals/hr. Efficient combustion and liberal heat transfer area ensures 88% efficiency (NCV). The unit is designed for fail safe and easy operations. The unit is outside the purview of IBR. (HORIZONTAL UNITS WITH IMPORTED BURNERS ALSO OFFERED) b) Solid Fuel Fired Thermic Fluid Heaters Neotech also offers SOLID FUEL FIRED Thermic Fluid Heaters suitable for Coal/Wood/Agro waste Briquettes firing. They have unique PARABOLIC FURNACE & Large Heat transfer Areas to give consistent output, even with dirty surfaces. Ease of operation & cleaning is main feature of these units. VERY VERY LOW OF OPERATION makes it a preferred choice for factories where solid fuel is available without any problem. 3. HOT AIR GENERATORS Fully automatic Oil / Gas fired Hot air generators TECHNODRY BLOCK are specially designed to cater to the needs of conventional tray driers, spinflash driers and spray driers. Such system when coupled to existing electrically heated driers save about 40% on drying costs. 4. HOT WATER GENERATORS (upto 1400 C) Fully automatic oil / Gas fired Hot water generators NEOHYDRICS are available in all capacities and can generate hot water upto 900 C and also upto 1400C under pressure. They are outside the purview of IBR. 5. OIL & GAS BURNERS Neotech offers a complete range of Oil, Gas & Dual fuel firing fully automatic burners of RIELLO (ITALY) make; in monoblock design having high efficiency & low excess air. 6. RADIATORS ETC. Specially designed radiators heated by steam, thermic fluid, hot water are available to replace electric heaters in existing driers. 7. FUEL OIL FILTERS Neotech also offers complete range of fuel oil filters of 'Intervest' make for filteration of L.D.O. / F.O. & ISHS. The filters are offered in Simplex, Duplex & Bucket designs. Neotech's Promoters & Management team headed by Mr. Vinod Shah (Chemical Engineer from UDCT) have more than 30 years of solid experience in this field of Energy System and have been practically associated with the industry for years together. We have capabilities to fundamentally design & manufacture fired heater upto fuels like a) Liquid Fuels :- LDO/FO/LSHS. b) Solid Fuels :- COAL/WOOD/AGROWASTE. c) Gaseous Fuels :- NG/LPG. We can offer units in multicast design to satisfy the clients' requirement & process demands. Units offered are manufactured at our factory under the guidance of able managers having more than 25 years experience of this line and competent workers supported by suitable equipments & tested on test bay under rigorous test conditions for ensuring capacities and efficiency of the same. In addition to our manufacturing programme as listed above, we also offer other product like :- a) Oil/Gas/Dual Fuel Burners of 'RIELLO' (ITALY) make. b) Oil Filteration & Heating, Pumping equipments from 'Intervest'. Neotech has more than 600 installations of its equipments all over india & also regularly Exports its equipments to various countries. It has a a strong client base in all segments of industries like Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Packaging, Corrugation, Rubber, Textiles, Laundries, Biscuit manufacturing etc.
IBR & Non IBR Boilers, Steam Boilers, Thermic Fluid Heaters, Hot Air Generators, Hot Water Generators, Gas Burner, Oil Burners, Radiators, Water Softeners, Fuel Oil Filters, Manufacturer Of Steam Boiler, Oil / Gas Steam Boilers, All Kind Of Boilers, Steam Boiler For Chemical Industries Steam Boiler Supplier, Electric Boilers For Garment Finishing, Boilers For Garment Finishing, Gas Fired Boilers For Garment Finishing, Vacuum Tables For Garment Finishing, Steam Press, Thermic Fluid Heater Manufacturer, Hot Water Boiler For Hotels, Water Heater Manufacturer, Hotels Hot Water Generators, Laundries Hot Water Generators, Hospitals Hot Water Generators, Reillo Hot Water Generators, Hot Air Generator Manufacturer, Portable Generators, Hot Air Generator Suppliers, Oil To Gas Conversion Burners, Distributor Of Burners, Gas Oil Burners.
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213, East West Industrial Centre, Safed Pool, Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400072, Maharashtra, India.
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022 - 28590678 / 28599235 / 9821028660
022 - 28504144
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